
Company Profile

          Lipa City Slaughterhouse was formerly managed by the LGU, before it was turned over to COMNET MANAGEMENT CORPORATION to handle its operation last December 2013 and was later manage by Comnet sister Company, First Manhattan Integrated Management Corporation. The Plant occupies approximately 8 hectares which is currently on lease contract with the LGU, while the buildings and all the equipment and machineries are all privately own. Last 2019, FMIMC becomes the first and only “AAA” certified slaughterhouse in Batangas.

             The Facility is located at Interior A. Tanco Drive, Brgy. Marawoy, Lipa City, Batangas. It has a total workforce of 20 NCII certified butchers and meat cutters. The Facility utilizes a semi-mechanize slaughtering process where conveyors, chains and automatic machineries are installed. The Company regularly conducts refresher trainings and skill enhancements including safety to ensure the best of quality services are always rendered.


  • Hog slaughter
  • Cattle slaughter
  • Lechon slaughter
  • Meat cutting
  • Blast Freezer
  • Chiller
  • Cold Storage


  1. We will delight the constituents of Lipa City and all our customers by providing the highest standards of hog and cattle slaughter, meat cutting and cold rooms services.
  2. We will build value and provide fair returns on our shareholders investments.
  3. We will nurture mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers, business partners, and stakeholders to help each other grow and together satisfy and delight customers.
  4. We will act as a responsible corporate citizen and contribute our share in improving the quality of community and work life.
  5. We will observe sound industrial practices that promote and enhance the quality of the environment.  


  1. We are a world‐class slaughterhouse facility.
  2. We shall be the Industry Leader in the pursuit of food safety and quality.


  1. Customer Focus – FMIMC will listen to its customers, paying careful attention to their most urgent needs, knowing   that customer success and delight will fuel its own growth.    
  2. Social Responsibility – FMIMC understands that its services and operations have an impact on the community it is part of, as well as the environment it operates in. We recognize that how we deliver our promise has the potential to positively affect the environment and community and intend to do so purposefully and responsibly.
  3. Teamwork – FMIMC delivers Customer Delight through a combination of Technology, Systems, Methods, and the effective and efficient combined actions of every member of the organization.  
  4. Integrity – FMIMC commits to the highest standards of service quality.    
  5. Innovation – FMIMC is committed to continually enhancing its services and capability to maintain its standards.